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寰宇教育  Global Pacific Education


         About us

Global Pacific Education, a company serving the Chinese Executive and Professional since 1993, is to provide educational and networking opportunities for corporate and government executives who need to continuously expand their knowledge of technology, master the associated business and management issues, and stay current on innovative products and services. We offer several types of events, all of which attract a powerful and influential audience in the region.

Responding to growing cross-national education needs, Global Pacific provides high-quality educational opportunities to working professional. We specializes in offering professional educational programs to Asia, especially to the Chinese speaking regions including China, Hong Kong, and Taiwan.

At Global Pacific Education we are experts in the development, delivery and marketing of cross-national training and education programs. We are great at what we do and for that reason we continue to focus on remaining a leader in our field.

In developing strategic partnerships, we look for outstanding companies, focused on their area of expertise, committed to being the leader in their field. Our products, services, and marketing efforts should complement each other to create a true win-win situation.


Professional Development

training programs help you keep pace with the rapidly changing and increasingly demanding workplace. Learn new job skills, enhance existing competencies or explore a new career field.

Our programs are current, relevant and focused. They provide the skills and knowledge necessary to meet your professional goals. Gain real-world skills from industry experts and immediately apply what you have learned.

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Custom and Special Programs

We can design a training program specifically developed for your employees anywhere in the world through live lecture, the Internet or live video conferencing. As an alternative or supplement to your own training programs, our Custom and Special Programs delivers powerful learning experiences supporting your key business objectives, maximizing employee performance and increasing your bottom line.

Leadership Series

Since 1993, our Professional Development Program has presented many of the region's leaders and creative thinkers in business and management. In both live and teleconference settings, thousands of people each year have been captivated by the insights and thinking of business and management authorities worldwide.

Test Preparation

In cooperation with various international test preparation services providers, we offers a series of programs designed to assist working professional in preparation for professional qualification.

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Corporate Training

As an Alternative or Supplement to Your Training

We can custom-design training programs that address your company or organization's specific needs and interests. We deliver powerful learning experiences that support your key business objectives! We will provide training at your site, ours, or at a site you select.


Your Partner in Training

Our Professional Development Corporate Programs is uniquely positioned to become your partner in training, retraining and upgrading the skills of your employees. We respond to the ever-changing business environment by helping you and your employees remain on the leading edge of management development, business skills, computer technology and industrial training. Our training is high-quality, affordable and packed with information, techniques and tools that can help prepare you and your organization for the future!

  • Practical
  • Professional
  • Tailored
  • Results-oriented

Tell Us Your Training Needs

We will design and deliver cost-effective programs to meet your needs. Programs are developed specifically for your employees and are delivered where and when you need them - at your site or ours. We can help designs programs for:

  • Job functions
  • Departments
  • Plants
  • Divisions
  • Companies

Choose From

  • Convenient full day, half-day or evening sessions,
  • Stand-alone, one-two day, week long, monthly or year-long programs

Proactive Approach to Learning

As your partner in employee training and professional development programs, we will provide a proactive learning approach, which supports both employee performance and organizational productivity and improves the return on your investment in your employees. Your training will be job-relevant and participative.


Knowledgeable Instructors

Our curriculum and instructors are university-approved. Our instructors are chosen for their effectiveness on the job, as well as their ability to bring their expertise to you. They are dynamic and knowledgeable presenters, skilled in teaching adults. Best of all, your employee can apply what they have learned as soon as they are back on the job.


Types of Training Available

  • Specific skills training
  • Custom-designed training programs
  • Professional development seminars
  • Certificate programs
  • Special interest courses

Benefits to Your Company or Organization

  • You select the participants
  • You determine when and where
  • Your employees learn together as a staff/team
  • Everyone receives the same information at the same time
  • Learn skills one day and put them to use the next
  • Achieve "across the board" results
  • Cost-effective 

For the training you need, when and where you need it  Contact Us

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